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- Pastor's Message
- 2018-12-15 Messiah's Calendar - Ben VanFossen
- 2018-12-01 God's Why - Ken LeVos
- 2019-01-12 Confidence for Christ's Coming - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-01-19 Messiah's Calendar II - Ben VanFossen
- 2019-02-09 Confidence for Our Condemning Hearts - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-02-02 Preparing for the 2nd Coming - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-02-16 Nailed - Harold Williams
- 2019-03-02 Confidence in the Day of Judgement - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-03-09 Confidence in Prayer to the Incarnate Christ - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-03-16 Our Awesome God - Jim Burr
- 2019-03-23 Warnings - Harold Williams
- 2019-03-30 The Truth About Truth - Leo Trujillo
- 2019-04-06 One Died on Behalf of All - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-04-13 According to the Flesh No Longer - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-04-20 There's No Trying to Surrender - Marcos Melendez
- 2019-04-27 Praises and Promises - Christina Sherbondy
- 2019-05-04 Basking in the Joy of Already Forgiveness - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-05-11 Name of God is New Creation - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-05-18 Uniqueness & Universality of God - Ed Appudoray
- 2019-05-25 Messiah's Calendar Part 3 - Ben VanFossen
- 2019-06-01 God was in Christ Reconciling - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-06-08 He Made That One Sin - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-07-13 2nd Coming, God's Vindication - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-08-03 2nd Coming, Preparing to Meet God - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-08-17 Sheep Among Wolves - Stanley Hagan
- 2019-08-31 Free Indeed - Dale McCluskey
- 2019-09-21 The Exodus - Kari Surdahl
- 2019-09-28 Antidote for Apathy - Ken LeVos
- 2019-10-05 Holy Spirit, To Intercede with Christ - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-10-12 Holy Spirit, Lord and Giver of Life - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-11-09 Spirit of Christ, Deity of Christ - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-11-23 How Can I Love You Better - Cassie Learned
- 2019-11-30 Do You Know the God You Worship - Harold Williams
- 2019-12-07 What the Father Does by the Holy Spirit - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-12-14 What Jesus Does by the Holy Spirit - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2019-12-28 On Being Embraced By Wonder - Rajmund Dabrowski
- 2020-01-04 Leaving Everything to Follow Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-01-11 Healing Nature of Following Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-01-18 The God of Second Chances - Eric Nelson
- 2020-01-25 Letting Jesus Drive - Dale McCluskey
- 2020-02-01 Following Jesus at His Word - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-02-08 Helping Others Follow Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-02-15 My Son Out of Egypt - Steve Lewis
- 2020-02-22 Life's Little Things - Harold Williams
- 2020-02-29 Walk on Water - Wilton Helm
- 2020-03-07 Carrying the Cross to Follow Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-07-11 The Apocalyptic Gospel; An Introduction - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-07-18 The Son Revealed in You and Among Us - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-08-08 A Spied Out Freedom and a Grace Given - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-08-15 Saved by the Faith of Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-09-19 The One Seed and the One Mediator God - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-09-26 More Than Enough - Harold Williams
- 2020-10-10 Redeemed by the Son - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-11-21 Christ's Cross and the Truth About Apostacy - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-11-07 A Tale of Two Women - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-12-05 Life by the Spirit - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-12-12 Circumcision or the Cross Postscript - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2020-12-19 Jesus Incarnation and Sins Condemn - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-01-02 How Not to Get Slaughtered - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-01-09 Jesus, God's Mercy Seat - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-01-16 The Father Himself Loves You - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-02-06 When You Miss the Son of God - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-02-13 When You Truly See the Son of God - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-02-20 Holding Fast to the Hope of Israel
- 2021-03-06 Moved With Compassion or Moved With Indignation - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-04-03 Two Truths, Two Blessings and Gospel Healing - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-04-17 A Garden in Time - Katie Rounds
- 2021-04-24 Shocking News - Darrell Rott
- 2021-05-01 Saved by the Resurrected Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-06-05 The Triune God's Gospel Work - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-06-12 The God of Compassion - DeeAnn Bragaw
- 2021-06-19 With Unveiled Face - Rob Inglis
- 2021-06-26 Is it Enough - Darrell Rott
- 2021-07-03 Good News of Jesus' Lordship - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-07-10 Strengthen What Remains - Bill Payne
- 2021-07-31 To God Be the Glory - Testimony: Eric Aakko
- 2021-08-21 Passing the Ball to Michael part 1 - Dale McCluskey
- 2021-09-04 The Good News of Grace - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-09-11 What Are You Hungry For? - Andrew Carpenter
- 2021-09-18 Expect the Unexpected - Rick Mautz
- 2021-10-07 The Ghost Story Jesus Told
- 2021-10-09 The Why and How of Mission
- 2021-11-05 The Good News of the Knowable God
- 2021-11-13 God's Guarantee - Darrell Rott
- 2021-11-27 Worship and Joy - Ken LeVos
- 2021-12-04 The Humility and the Humiliation of the Incarnation - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2021-12-11 Seeking God's Face - Dale McCluskey
- 2021-12-18 Seeking God's Hand - Dale McCluskey
- 2022-02-05 Giving from Incarnational Grace - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-02-19 It's OK, God is Still in Control - Lonnie Hetterle
- 2022-03-05 Kept in a Theology of Hope - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-04-09 Jesus' Trinitarian Death for You - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-04-16 Resurrection Destiny - Darrell Rott
- 2022-04-30 Where the Christian Life Comes From - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-05-7 Jesus' Trinitarian Burial for You - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-06-04 Christ's Resurrection-Proof of the Future - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-06-11 Christ's Resurrection-Faith, God and the Future - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-06-18 Christ's Resurrection-Escape from Sin and Death
- 2022-06-25 Christ's Resurrection and Your Future Transformation - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2922-07-02 Jesus' Trinitarian Temptations for You - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-07-16 Got Oil" - Christian Martin
- 2022-08-06 Jesus' Trinitarian Tranfiguration for You - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-09-03 Washing with PSOAP - Dale McCluskey
- 2022-09-24 Into the Garden -Lonnie Hetterle
- 2022-10-01 Angels for a Newborn King - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-10-08 Jesus Between Angels and Beasts - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-10-15 Jesus Needs Angels - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-10-22 Resurrection Angels for the Chrucified! - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-10-22 PM "1844" - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-10-29 Angelic Puns about Jesus' Return - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2022-11-05 Jesus' Trinitarian Session for You
- 2022-11-12 Feasting on Fasting - Daphne Kahler
- 2022-11-19 What's in Your Name - Ken LeVos
- 2022-12-03 Jesus' Trinitarian 2nd Coming for You
- 2022-12-10 Jumping with Joy - Darrell Rott
- 2022-12-17 Letting God's Grace Back Out - Dale McCluskey
- 2023-1-7 Jesus, on Not Violating God - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-1-21 What Am I Going to Wear - Dale McCluskey
- 2023-1-14 Shameless Persistence - Darrell Rott
- 2023-2-4 The World Turned Upside Down - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-2-11 The Good Shepherd - Wilton Helm
- 2023-2-18 Have You Left Your First Love? - Mickey Mallory
- 2023-2-25 The Testing of Jesus - Darrell Rott
- 2023-3-4 Living at the World's End - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-3-18 Assurance - Rob Inglis
- 2023-4-1 The Two Crosses - Mic Thurber
- 2023-4-8 No Pentecost Without Calvary - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-4-29 Paslm 1 - Daphne Kahler
- 2023-5-6 The Trouble Jesus Brings - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-5-13 Two Pictures - Dale McCluskey
- 2023-5-20 Sabbath - Brandon Westgate
- 2023-5-27 Turn Your Lights On - Rajmund Dabrowski
- 2023-6-3 On Following the Real Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-6-10 Following Jesus' Way of the Cross - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-6-17 Following Jesus in Love and Service - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-6-24 On Following the Servant Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-7-1 Nathaniel's Secret to Christian Strategy - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-7-15 The Haven of Rest - Dale McCluskey
- 2023-7-22 How to Study the Bible Part 1 - The origin of the Bible - Wilton Helm
- 2023-7-29 How to Study the Bible Part 2 - Application - Wilton Helm
- 2023-8-12 Three of God's Addresses - Dale McCluskey
- 2023-8-26 Found Alone - Darrell Rott
- 2023-9-2 Saved by the Beloved Savior - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-9-9 Unafraid With the Beloved Jesus - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-9-16 Glimpsing the Beloved's Resurrection Glory - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-9-23 The Exodus of the Beloved - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-9-30 Beholding the Beloved's Second Coming
- 2023-10-14 Not Done in a Corner - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-10-21 Love, Love and More Love - Glenn Sackett
- 2023-10-28 A New Mindset - Rick Mautz
- 2023-11-4 Speaking For and Against Hope - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-11-11 O Captain My Captain - Darrell Rott
- 2023-11-18 Uncomplicating Christianity: Love is All There Is - Glenn Sackett
- 2023-11-25 Chosen to Serve - Sean Knapp
- 2023-12-2 Wrappings between Birth and Burial - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-12-9 A Pagan Collision of Prophecies - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2023-12-16 Do You Still Believe in Christmas - Darrell Rott
- 2023-12-23 Christmas Program
- 2023-12-30 New Wineskins - Why Worry? - Wilton Helm
- 2024-01-06 A Case of Saviors - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-01-13 How Love Flows-Glenn Sackett
- 2023-10-7 Holy Land Tour - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-01-27 Same Question Different Answer - Ken Levos
- 2024-02-03 Nathaniel Gamble - Jesus is Gentle and Lowly
- 2024-02-10 Search and Rescue - Dale McCluskey
- 2024-02-24 Live, Liberty, Happiness - Lonnie Hetterle
- 2024-03-02 You are Jesus' Joy - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-03-09 Loved Into the End - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-03-30 What Jesus' Diety is For - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-04-06 Redeemed for a Purpose - Daphne Kahler
- 2024-04-13 Hebrews 4 - Darrell Rott
- 2024-04-27 Grace: A Word We Need to Understand and Experience - Dale Rosette
- 2024-04-20 The Ordinary Followers of Jesus
- 2024-5-11 Jesus Deals Gently With Sinners - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-5-18 Merciful - Johnathan Ward
- 2024-5-25 Jesus Our Great High Priest - Darrell Rott
- 2024-6-1 Jesus Prays For Your Faith - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-6-8 Jesus Prays For Your Blessing - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-6-15 Jesus Prays For Your Protection - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-6-22 Jesus Prays for Your Sanctification - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-6-29 Jesus Prays For Your Wholeness - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-7-6 The Freedom of Dependence - Dale McCluskey
- 2024-7-13 Jesus Never Rejects You - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-7-27 Empowered and Pruned - Nathan Cranson
- 2024-8-3 Who is God? - Jonnathan Ward
- 2024-8-10 Sin Evokes Jesus' Deepest Sympathies - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-8-24 Love is the Fulfillment of the Law - Wilton Helm
- 2024-8-31 Turtle God - Darrell Rott
- 2024-9-7 Jesus' Lordship and Stewardship with Self Esteem - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-9-14 Jesus' Lordship and Stewarding Talents - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-9-21 Jesus' Lordship and Stewarding Others - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-9-28 Jesus' Lordship and Stewarding Relationships - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-10-5 Sinners Have Jesus' Merciful Heart
- 2024-10-19 Jesus and Jubilee - Jason O'Rourke
- 2024-11-2 Jesus' Natural Disposition of Heart - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-11-16 Grace: A Word We Need to Understand and Experience 2 - Dale Rosette
- 2024-11-23 Reality Speaking - Darrell Rott
- 2024-11-30 God is Bigger than Your Giant - Daphne Kahler
- 2024-12-7 The Grace of Christmas - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2024-12-14 Who Has Believed Our Report? - Ken Levos
- 2024-12-28 Freeing Captives - Dale McCluskey
- 2025-1-4 Hail King Jesus .. Or NOT
- 2025-1-11Faith and Love - Jason O'Rourke
- 2025-2-1 Jesus is in Your Storm - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2025-2-8 Left Behind - Jason O'Rourke
- 2025-2-15 A Child of God - Rob Inglis
- 2025-2-22 Nothingness - Harla Knapp
- 2025-3-1 Searching for God's Appointed Rabbi - Nathaniel Gamble
- 2025-3-8 A Sign For Our Troubled Times - Ken LeVos
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